
  • S. Shanmugapriya PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore 641004, India
  • R Senthurselvi
  • K. Bhuvaneswari


Dolichos biflorus, anorectic, behavioral satiety sequence, food intake


Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the anorectic activity of hot (pre-cooked under pressure) and cold (soaked overnight) aqueous extracts of the seeds of D. biflorus in freely feeding Wistar albino rat model.

Methods: Hot extract at a dose of 4 % w/v was given to the group 1 and cold extract at a dose of 4 % w/v was given to group 2 while group 3 was kept as the control group. Food intake and analysis of behavioral satiety sequence (BSS) was assessed after 4 w of extract administration whereas body weight was recorded both before and after treatment.

Results: Cold extract group showed significant anorectic activity (p<0.05) but not the hot extract group. The cold extract group, unlike the hot extract group also exhibited an acceleration of the BSS indicating that the anorectic activity is primary.

Conclusion: The study has thus brought out the potential appetite suppressant activity of the cold extract of D. biflorus seeds.

Keywords: Dolichos biflorus, Anorectic, Behavioral satiety sequence, Food intake


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How to Cite

Shanmugapriya, S., R. Senthurselvi, and K. Bhuvaneswari. “A STUDY COMPARING THE ANORECTIC ACTIVITY OF HOT AND COLD AQUEOUS EXTRACTS OF DOLICHOS BIFLORUS LINN. SEEDS IN FREELY FEEDING RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 7, July 2016, pp. 336-9, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/12055.



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