
  • Savitha T. PG & Research Department of Microbiology, KSR College of Arts & Science, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India. Department of Microbiology, Tiruppur Kumaran College for Women, Tiruppur, Tamilnadu, India.
  • Arivukkarasu R. Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, KMCH College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore. Tamilnadu, India.


HPTLC, Densitometry, Ellagic acid, Tannic acid


Objective: The present investigation has been focused on the detection of antibacterial activity of methanolic extract by disc diffusion method and the quantitative estimation of phyto constituents from Terminalia chebula, (King of Medicine) by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) method.

Methods: An in vitro study on the efficacy of methanol extract of T.chebula was carried out. For this analysis, Tannic acid (TA), Gallic acid (GA), Ellagic acid (EA) were as used as standard markers by using toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid: methanol (4.3:4.3:1:1.2:0.3, V/V/V/V) was used as a mobile phase. Detection and quantification were performed densitometrically at Lambda 254 nm.

Results: The methanol extract has shown best activity against test strains. The Rf values of standards were 0.78 for TA, 0.74 for GA and 0.63 for EA. The total peak areas of the standards and the corresponding peak areas of extracts were composed and the statistical analysis was carried out.

Conclusions: Based on the present findings, there is a wide opportunity for the development of new drug formulations for the effective treatment against multiple drug resistant micro organisms with no side effects with lesser costs.


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How to Cite

T., S., and A. R. “DETERMINATION OF PHYTOCOMPOUNDS FROM TERMINALIA CHEBULA RETZ BY HPTLC DENSITOMETRIC METHOD”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 516-20,



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