
  • D. Sankari SRM University
  • M. Divagar SRM University


Amylase, Proteus sp, Incubationn period, Maltose


Objective: The main goal of our study was to isolate the amylase producing bacteria from three different soil samples collected from sewage dumped lake(L), Agricultural field (A), highway (R) and comparative analysis of amylase production between different bacterial source at various incubation period.

Methods: Isolates from three different sources were characterized through various standard biochemical tests and cultured on a production media, from which the crude enzyme was obtained and quantified in terms of maltose liberated per ml of crude enzyme on 15 mins of incubation with the soluble starch substrate using DNS method.

Results: On the biochemical characterization the isolates (L, A and R) were identified as Proteus sp but their production rates were distinct. The Proteus sp from highway (R) had maximum amylase production rate on 12 hrs of incubation, which was quantified to 650µg/ml of maltose/15 mins and production rate was decreased on further incubation period. On contrast, the Proteus sp obtained from sewage dumped lake soil (L) had minimum amylase production rate on 12 hrs of incubation which was quantified to 200µg/ml of maltose/15 mins and production rate was increased within the incubation period. The Proteus sp obtained from agricultural soil (A) had a stable amylase production rate at all incubation period includes 12 hrs, 24 hrs and 36 hrs which were quantified to 250µg/ml of maltose/15 mins.

Conclusion: Sewage dumped lake soil was an effective source for isolation of amylase producing bacteria than other sources.



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How to Cite

Sankari, D., and M. Divagar. “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF AMYLASE PRODUCTION BY PROTEUS SP FROM DIFFERENT SOIL HABITAT”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 322-5,



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