
  • Ramesh S. Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences Annamalai University Parangipettai 608502, Tamilnadu, India.
  • E. Dilipan Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences Annamalai University Parangipettai 608502, Tamilnadu, India.
  • P. Mayavu Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences Annamalai University Parangipettai 608502, Tamilnadu, India.


Gastropod, Conus amadis, Venom gland, Antioxidant and HEp-2 Cell line and MTT assay


Objective: The present study was carried out to explore the hemolytic, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of conotoxins extracted from the venom of C. amadis.

Methods: The crude conotoxin was extracted and tested for cytotoxic, antioxidant activity and cancer cell lines. The cytotoxic activity was studied by brine shrimp cells and in-vitro antioxidant activity were determined by DPPH, Superoxide anion radical scavenging assay and hydrogen peroxide scavenging from active fraction of conopeptides. The active fractions were tested in HEp-2 cancer cell lines at different concentration.

Results: The different dose tested viz 100μg/mL-1, 50μg/mL-1, 25μg/mL-1, 12.5μg/mL-1, 6.25μg/mL-1, and 3.2μg/mL-1 cytotoxicity on HEp-2 cell was observed at the 25μg/mL. HEp-2 cell displayed dose dependent decreased in viability detected as early as 48 hrs. The purified conotoxin was showed remarkable cytotoxicity against HEp-2 cell in a dose depend manner. The isolated conotoxin that produced maximum effect at 100μg/mL-1 and the half inhibitory concentrations (IC50) was 25μg/mL-1 in the concentration of 45.6±0.8%.

Conclusion: The present study revealed that cono-peptides from C. amadis have been used as an accessible source of natural antioxidants as well as anticancer after trial with animal and pre-clinical studies.


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How to Cite

S., R., E. Dilipan, and P. Mayavu. “EFFECTS OF DRUGS AGAINST ANTIOXIDANT AND CYTOTOXIC (HEp 2 CELL LINE) ACTIVITY COMPOUNDS FROM MARINE ANIMALS CONUS AMADIS VENOM (GMELIN, J.F, 1791)”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 7, July 2014, pp. 638-43, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/2416.



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