
  • Issam Yasser Husean Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Issraa Rasheed Abed Al-rahman Al-obaidi Pharmaceutics Department, College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad, Iraq


MRSA, Nasal inserts, Nasal dosage form, Lyophilization, Bioadhesion, Mupirocin, Methylcellulose


Objective: Lyophilized nasal insert formulations containing 2% mupirocin which is an antibiotic used to prevent serious infections caused by meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pathogen were prepared.

Methods: Different grades of methylcellulose (MC) polymerwere used to prepare mupirocin nasal inserts using aqueous (water) and organic (tertiary butyl alcohol) methods. Dynamic adhesion, drug release profile and antibiotic sensitivity studies were undertaken to evaluate the performance of the nasal inserts in comparison to Bactroban nasal ointment.

Results: The results showed that each grade of MC polymer has different adhesion properties. In organic prepared formulations,the solution form of mupirocin in tertiary butyl alcohol resulted in a significant increase in the adhesion of these formulations in comparison with blank formulations. On the other hand, mupirocin suspended in aqueous solvent (water) had little effect. However both aqueous and organic prepared formulations resulted higher adhesion performance when compared to Bactroban nasal ointment. The drug release of incorporated mupirocin from MC matrix of organic prepared formulations after 180 minuteswas slower (11.9-12.5%) than mupirocin from aqueous prepared formulations (85.6-88.4%). while, the maximum percent of mupirocin releasedfrom Bactroban nasal ointment was just 4% after the same time.

Conclusion: The growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus pathogen obtained by using lyophilized nasal insert formulationwhich contained Mupirocin was very active. Thus, the nasal insert is promising in treatment of nasal colonizedby MRSA.



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Author Biography

Issam Yasser Husean, Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq

Pharmaceutics Department


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How to Cite

Husean, I. Y., and I. R. A. A.- rahman Al-obaidi. “OPTIMIZING NASAL FOROPTIMIZING NASAL FORMULATION FOR PREVENTION OF SERIOUS INFECTIONS CAUSED BY MRSAMULATION FOR PREVENTION OF SERIOUS INFECTIONS CAUSED BY MRSA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 496-03, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/3217.



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