
  • Rakshith V Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hanamkonda, Warangal
  • Murari Ch Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hanamkonda, Warangal
  • Venkateshwarlu K Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hanamkonda, Warangal


Stroke, Symptoms, Risk factors, Prescribing patterns, Drugs


Objective: This hospital based case study was undertaken with aim to identify the symptoms, risk factors and prescribing trends of medication employed in stroke. The objective of this study was to work out the prevalence of stroke symptoms, risk factors, clinical parameters and medicines prescription pattern in stroke occurred patients.

Methods: Study was carried out in the Rohini Multi specialty hospital, Warangal, Telangana, India. Patients visiting the neurology clinic were asked to answer a form covering demographic factors, predominant stroke symptoms and their prevalence. To determine the clinical status of the patient; stroke history was obtained from every subject from a trained medical specialist. Most of the patients' data were collected from case sheets and laboratory reports of patients. Among patients visited the clinic, patients were categorized into Ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke patients. Risk factors, associated co-morbidities and the prescription pattern of various drugs used in stroke were also recorded in patients recruited.

Results: Out of 150 patients involved in the study, 100 (66.66%) patients presented with symptoms like slurred speech, followed by weakness on right side in 97 (64.66%) patients, headache in 88 (58.66%) patients, change in speech in 87 (58%) patients, weakness on left side in 58 (38.66%) patients and deviation of mouth in 48 (32%) patients. The most common risk factors associated with the stroke was hypertension in 102 (68%) patients, followed by dyslipidemia in 81 (54.2%) patients, diabetes mellitus in 51 (34.6%) patients, heart disease in 49 (32.6%) patients, smoking in 44 (29.3%) patients, diet in 16 (10.6%) and alcohol in 12 (8%) patients. Majority of the stroke patients was prescribed with anti platelets (85%), dyslipidemics (75%), anticoagulants (36%), and Mannitol (98.5%).

Conclusion: The present study helped to identify the cases with predominant symptoms of stroke and to estimate various risk factors in such patients. The findings in our study stress the need for early and appropriate management of stroke to prevent further complications of stroke. Combination therapy, lifestyle changes and better management of risk factors said to have a major effect on recovery of stroke with improved quality of life and symptoms.



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How to Cite

Vurumadla, S., R. V, M. Ch, and V. K. “A STUDY ON SYMPTOMS, RISK FACTORS AND PRESCRIBING PATTERN OF DRUGS USED IN STROKE PATIENTS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 421-6, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/3857.



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