
  • Manikandan Arumugam RVS college of Arts and science, Bharathiar University
  • Meera Raman RVS college of Arts and Science
  • Kannan Eagappan PSG college of Arts and Science


Coconut flakes, Coconut flour, Dietary fiber isolate, CaOH2 hydrolysis, Functional food


Objective: The general objective of the study is to formulate high percentage dietary fibre isolate from coconut flakes, as a functional food, and the specific objectives are as follows: (a) to formulate coconut flour from coconut flakes (b) to determine the proximate composition and microbial analysis of coconut flakes, coconut flour and dietary fibre isolate (c) to analyse the storage stability of coconut flour and dietary fibre isolate.

Methods: The coconut fibre isolate was prepared by hydrolysis with CaOH2 as per the established protocol.

Results: The dietary fibre content of dietary fibre isolation was 72.25% and further it was found to be 42% and 48% in coconut flakes and coconut flour respectively. With respect CaOH2 to hydrolysis, 0.3M and 0.4M concentrations were found to be very ideal in suppressing the dominant coconut taste. With water holding, retention and swelling capacities, isolate was found to be the best (8.27, 7.42, 21.33 ml water/g samples,). According to BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard), the microbial load and peroxide value were within safe limits in isolate (up to 10 months).

Conclusion: Results from the above study can be a basis in the development of dietary fibre isolate as a, functional food.



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Author Biography

Manikandan Arumugam, RVS college of Arts and science, Bharathiar University

PhD full time Research Scholar


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How to Cite

Arumugam, M., M. Raman, and K. Eagappan. “FORMULATION AND STORAGE STABILITY OF COCONUT FLOUR AND DIETARY FIBRE ISOLATE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 77-81,



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