
  • Vinay Kumar Department of Pharmacology Kasturba Medical College Manipal University Manipal Karnataka
  • Adarsh Preet Kaur Department of Pharmacology, Rama Medical College Hospital and Research centre, Hapur, Chaudary Charan Singh University, Meerut, U.P
  • Uma V. K. Department of Pharmacology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka
  • Ravi Kumar Department of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka
  • Vandana K. E. Professor Department of Microbiology Kasturba Medical College Manipal University Manipal Karnataka
  • Veena Nayak Department of Pharmacology Kasturba Medical College Manipal University Manipal Karnataka India


Herbal tincture, Tincture and wounds, Wound healing, Lantana camara, Tincture of iodine, Excision-incision wound model, Anti-bacterial activity


Objective: Lantana camaraL (L. c) has been known for its anti-bacterial activity since quite some time in its various extracts and pharmacological preparations. In view of this, we plan to study and compare the wound healing property of tincture of L. cin surgically induced wound in animal models with tincture of iodine (I2).

Methods: An herbal tincture was developed from stems of L. cin concentrations of 20%, 40%, alcohol in tincture was followed as mentioned in IP, tested against tincture I2 in same aged different groups of rats under incision and excision models, also with commonly wound infecting bacteria like S. aureus, E. coli, E. fecalis, P. aeruginosa[a1] . Wounds were induced surgically under anaesthesia. Excised rats were observed for wound contraction and epithelialisation. On 7th day, incised rats were subjected to wound dehiscence test. Tissue biopsy took on day 5, 14 and21 for histopathological studies.

Results: Both test groups were found statistically significant against standard with P<0.05 and with mean epithelialisation day value 11±1.02 in the excision model and P<0.05 between the groups in incision model depicting 20% tincture as better with a mean value of 366.67±47.2. Histologically 40% tincture was found non-inferior against standard. Tincture was active against mentioned microbes in various dilutions.

Conclusion: Tincture L. c was non-inferior to iodine. Further studies with concentrated extracts of L. cmay reveal its accelerated healing and better anti-microbial competency so that it can be developed for clinical practice.



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How to Cite

Kumar, V., A. P. Kaur, U. V. K., R. Kumar, V. K. E., and V. Nayak. “AN EVALUATION OF THE WOUND HEALING AND ANTI-MICROBIAL PROPERTY OF THE TINCTURE OF LANTANA CAMARA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 313-6,



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