
  • Chupakhin Oleg The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Sarapultsev Alexey Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Chereshneva Margarita The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Gette Irina The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Sidorova Larisa The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Danilova Irina The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS
  • Sarapultsev Petr The IJ Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, the Ural Branch of the RAS


Enzymes, L-17 compound, Myocardial infarction, Thiadiazines, Tissue enzymes


Objective: Earlier works have reported on the effectiveness of the compounds of the group of substituted 5R1, 6R2, 3,4-thiadiasine-2-amines for treating experimental myocardial infarction, conditioned by the immune-modifying action of the compound. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the action of the L17 compound of the group of substituted 5R1, 6R2, 3,4-thiadiasine-2-amines on the extent of injury and the possible recurrence of experimental myocardial infarction by the dynamic assessment of transaminase activity in blood and myocardial homogenate (tissue).

Methods: Modelling of myocardial infarction in rats was performed in accordance with the author's modification of the standard ligation model. Tissue enzyme activity of LDH and CK-MB was evaluated at days 1, 7, and 14.

Results: According to the results, the decrease in LDH 1-2 activity in tissue (after experimental myocardial infarction) corresponded to the increase in enzyme activity in blood on the first day of the experiment. However, on the seventh day of the experiment, the decrease of LDH 1-2 activities in the tissue of animals treated with L17 compound corresponded with the decrease of LDH activity in blood, while in non-treated animals the relation between the enzyme levels in blood and tissue was typical for the onset of MI.

Conclusions: The evaluation of enzyme levels in myocardial tissue confirms previouslyreported data that the administration of a thiadiazine compounds prevents the recurrence and decreases the size of experimental myocardial infarction.



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How to Cite

Oleg, C., S. Alexey, C. Margarita, G. Irina, S. Larisa, D. Irina, and S. Petr. “INFLUENCE OF A BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPOUND FROM SUBSTITUTED THIADIAZINES ON TRANSAMINASE ACTIVITY IN MYOCARDIAL HOMOGENATE IN EXPERIMENTAL MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 147-51,



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