
  • Lida Ebrahimi Bharathiar University
  • K. G. Kiran Bharathiar University
  • K. A. Ayub Nawaz Bharathiar University
  • V. Subashchandrabose Bharathiar University
  • Nisshanthini S. Durairaju Bharathiar University
  • Muthusamy Palaniswamy Karpagam University
  • Jayaraman Angayarkanni Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (T. N) 641046, India


Micrococcus luteus, ACE inhibitor, 16S rRNA gene sequence, Hippuric acid, Beef extract


Objective: To evaluate the potential of protease producing organism for the production of Angiotensin I–converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor by fermentation of various protein substrates.

Methods: Bacterial strains were isolated from cow milk collected in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India by using serial dilution technique, plated on nutrient agar medium. The identity of the strain was ascertained by 16s rRNA gene sequencing method and was submitted to the NCBI GenBank nucleotide database. Various substrates were screened for ACE inhibitor production by the fermentation with the isolated strain.

Results: The isolated coded as BUCTL09, which showed a significant zone of clearance was selected and identified as Micrococcus luteus (KF303592.1). Among the seven substrates, only beef extract fermented broth showed an inhibition of 79% and was reported as the best substrate.

Conclusion: In the search for non-toxic, and economic ACE inhibitors as an alternative to the synthetic drugs, many natural ACE inhibitors have been isolated from a microbial source. In the present study, isolate BUCTL09 was selected for the production of ACE inhibitor from the beef extract. Findings from this study lead us to investigate this potent ACE inhibitor further for its biological properties and to explore the impending efficacy of the ACE inhibitor which may conceivably be developed into a prospective drug.


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How to Cite

Ebrahimi, L., K. G. Kiran, K. A. A. Nawaz, V. Subashchandrabose, N. S. Durairaju, M. Palaniswamy, and J. Angayarkanni. “ISOLATION OF ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITOR PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM COW MILK”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 183-6,



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