
  • Shivani Srivastava Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Tanmay Kumar Koley Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Surya Kumar Singh Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Yamini Bhusan Tripathi Institute of Medical Sciences


Glucose tolerance, Pueraria tuberosa, DPP-IV, GLP-1, Enzyme Kinetics


Objective: The main objective of this research was to explore the effect of the polar fraction of tubers of Pueraria tuberosa (PTWE) on DPP-IV activity.

Methods: The comparison of in vitro inhibitory potential between commercially available Galvus (Vildagliptin) and PTWE was determined by measuring percent inhibition and IC50. The enzyme kinetics were also done to reveal the nature of inhibition. In vivo study was done via the glucose tolerance test and by the measurement of increased plasma GLP-1 concentration and DPP-IV activity after glucose load.

Results: PTWE has given the IC50 value of 17.4 mg/ml and was found to be a competitive inhibitor having the Ki value of 13.11 mg/ml. Plasma GLP-1 concentration was increased and DPP-IV activity was decreased after 60 minutes of glucose load in PTWE treated rats as compared to control rats. Overall PTWE was found to be less potential DPP-IV inhibitor than Galvus.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that antidiabetic effect of PTWE could be because of its role in DPP-IV inhibition.



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How to Cite

Srivastava, S., T. K. Koley, S. K. Singh, and Y. B. Tripathi. “THE TUBER EXTRACT OF PUERARIA TUBEROSA LINN. COMPETITIVELY INHIBITS DPP-IV ACTIVITY IN NORMOGLYCEMIC RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 227-31,



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