
  • Amal Ait Haj Said Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca, Hassan II University, 19 rue Tarik Ibn Ziad, BP 9154, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Ibrahim Sbai El Otmani Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Food Science
  • Sanae Derfoufi Hassan II University
  • Adnane Benmoussa Hassan II University


Urtica dioica, Polyphenols, Urtica Dioica Agglutinin (UDA), Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Rheumatism


Urtica dioica L. is a herbaceous plant belonging to the family of Urticaceae that has been used for centuries against a variety of diseases. Thanks to its high content of nutriments and bioactive compounds like poly phenols, vitamins and minerals, nettle possesses a great nutritional value and a large number of pharmacological effects, including anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, immunostimulatory, anti-infectious, hypotensive, antiulcer activities and cardiovascular disease prevention. Stinging nettle is considered safe and has been shown to be side effects free, when taken by mouth of up to 18 gram per day. The most common stinging nettle preparations usually include the crude dried powder, dry extract, infusion (herbal tea), decoction or fresh juice. Stinging nettle root is mainly used for mictional disorders related to benign prostatic hyperplasia while the leaves are used for arthritis, rheumatism and allergic rhinitis. This up to date review highlights the current knowledge and scientific advances concerning Urtica dioica.



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How to Cite

Said, A. A. H., I. S. E. Otmani, S. Derfoufi, and A. Benmoussa. “HIGHLIGHTS ON NUTRITIONAL AND THERAPEUTIC VALUE OF STINGING NETTLE (URTICA DIOICA)”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Oct. 2015, pp. 8-14, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/8165.



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