
  • Yufri Aldi Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University, Post Code 25163, Padang, Indonesia
  • Ayu Novita Trisnawati Andalas University
  • Andani Eka Putra Andalas University
  • Akmal Djamaan Andalas University
  • Marlina . Andalas University


Cervical cancer, HPV type 45, L2 gene, PCR


Objective: Cervical cancer is the second common type of cancer among women in the Indonesian population. Persistent infection with high risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) has been considered as the most significant risk factor of cervical cancer. Research on the identification of HPV type 45 L2 gene as the third cause of cervical cancer in Indonesia is still small even has not been done in West Sumatera and Riau, whereas HPV gene identification by molecular biology techniques can be used as an initial screening for cervical cancer.

Methods: DNA was isolated from 43 samples of cervical smears and cervical cancer biopsies obtained from M. Djamil General Hospital, Padang and Arifin Achmad General Hospital, Pekanbaru. HPV DNA detection was conducted using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using GP5+/6+primers. HPV type 45 L2 gene were identified by PCR method with HPV type 45 L2 genes specific primers.

Results: The concentration of the isolated DNA varied from 2.8 to 326.3 ng/µl. Isolates DNA from tissue samples had good value of purity and the purity of isolated DNA from cervical smear samples was not too good, Amplification of HPV DNA showed that 20 tissue samples and 6 cervical smear samples were positive HPV DNA. There was only one sample (Hpv. J.14) which L2 genes of HPV type 45.

Conclusion: Results of DNA amplification by PCR method showed that 60.47% of cervical cancer patients in this study infected with HPV DNA and 3.85% sample had gene L2 of HPV type 45.


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How to Cite

Aldi, Y., A. N. Trisnawati, A. E. Putra, A. Djamaan, and M. . “DETECTION OF HPV TYPE 45 L2 GENE IN CERVICAL CANCER PATIENTS BY POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION METHOD”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 129-32,



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