
  • Saranya P. Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vels University, Velannagar, PV Vaithyalingam road, Pallavaram, Chennai 600117, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Swathi S.
  • Kousalya K.
  • Praveen D.



Objective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of tuberculosis patients and to provide structured patient education through patient counselling on disease, drugs and lifestyle modifications in tuberculosis patients.

Methods: All enrolled patient received structured & standard education regarding the disease tuberculosis, medication, diet & lifestyle modification after the preliminary assessment of KAP towards TB. Changes in the knowledge, attitude, and practice in the post-intervention phase were assessed and analyzed statistically.

Results: Change in knowledge score of the patients before and after counselling was observed as 37.74% to 79.06% where the mean change in percentage is 41.32%. The change in the attitude of the patients before and after counselling was found to be 21.61%. Counseling towards practice before and after counseling was increased from 63.18% to 82.12% with a mean change of 18.94%.

Conclusion: Change in KAP due to educating the patients would help in the increased adherence to antitubercular therapy (ATT) in the patients with tuberculosis; thereby resistance towards the drugs can be reduced.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Koch's disease, Compliance, KAP study.


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How to Cite

P., S., S. S., K. K., and P. D. “A PROSPECTIVE INTERVENTIONAL STUDY OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE (KAP) TOWARDS TUBERCULOSIS AMONG PATIENTS WITH KOCH’S DISEASE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 58-61, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/8602.



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