
  • Kamilia F. Taha Pharmacognosy Department, National Organization for Drug Control and Research (NODCAR), Giza, Egypt
  • Seham S. El-hawary
  • Hala M. El-hefnawy
  • Mona I. Mabrouk
  • Rania A. Sanad
  • Marwa Y. El Harriry


Objective: Developing an herbal antifungal formulation containing eruca and garlic oils against highly resistant dermatophytes (Malassezia fufur AUMC No. 5173, Microsporum canis bodin AUMC No. 5490 and Trichophyton mentagrophytes AUMC No. 5501. 5501) and assessment of garlic oil thiosulfonates during the ex vivo percutaneous permeation through albino rat skin.

Methods: Assay of antifungal activity was performed by filter paper disc method and agar well diffusion method. The components of volatile constituents and fixed oil of eruca seeds were studied using GC/MS. Thiosulfinates in garlic oil were analyzed by HPLC/UV. Both oils were incorporated into hair cream using span 60 and brij 58 at three different concentrations (2, 4 and 6% w/w) and alliin, was ex vivo evaluated using albino rat skin mounted on Franz diffusion cells.

Results: The two oils have a synergistic effect on the first and additive effect on the second and the third fungi. The main constituents in eruca are 4-(methyl thio) butyl isothiocyanate (82%) for volatile constituents and erucic acid (40%) for the fixed one. The highest flux for alliin (0.337±0.0015 mg/cm2/hr) was obtained at a 4% surfactant concentration.

Conclusion: Combination of oils has a high activity on the selected dermatophytes. Formulation of an herbal hair cream using span 60 and Brij 58 with a concentration 4% gives the highest permeation rate for alliin in garlic oil.

Keywords: Eruca, Garlic, Dermatophytes, Quantitative determination and Ex-vivo permeation


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Author Biography

Kamilia F. Taha, Pharmacognosy Department, National Organization for Drug Control and Research (NODCAR), Giza, Egypt

pharmacist,Pharmacognosy Department


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How to Cite

Taha, K. F., S. S. El-hawary, H. M. El-hefnawy, M. I. Mabrouk, R. A. Sanad, and M. Y. El Harriry. “FORMULATION AND ASSESSMENT OF A HERBAL HAIR CREAM AGAINST CERTAIN DERMATOPHYTES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2016, pp. 167-73,



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