
  • Banani Misra Janana Bharati Campus, Bangalore University Bangalore 560056
  • Shiva Kameshwari M. N. Department of Botany, Janana Bharati Campus, Bangalore University Bangalore 560056


Objective: Urginea indica (U. indica) Kunth. Hyacinthaceae has high mucilage content; the aim of the study is to isolate the mucilage and to analyze the sugar present in mucilage and its Physicochemical properties.

Methods: The mucilage of U. indica extracted from the dried powder from bulbs of Urginea indica using Acetone Precipitation method. HPLC analysis has been made to see the presence of sugars in mucilage. The composition of polysaccharide analyzed based on the standard hydrolysis procedure using hydrochloric, sulfuric, and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at elevated temperature.

Results: The percentage yield of mucilage was found to be 4 %. The HPLC analysis revealed the presence of sugar such as Sucrose, Maltose, Fructose and Galactose in mucilage sample among which maltose was found to be higher with 21.84 µg/ml followed by Fructose (1.90 µg/ml), Galactose (2.09 µg/ml) and sucrose (0.82 µg/ml).

Conclusion: The present investigation showed that U. indica mucilage has high pharmaceutical significance with the presence of high amount of maltose, which makes it an attractive source of carbohydrate.

Keywords: Urginea indica, Mucilage, Sugar, Acetone Precipitation method, HPLC, Maltose


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Author Biographies

Banani Misra, Janana Bharati Campus, Bangalore University Bangalore 560056

Department of Botany

Research Scholar

Bangalore University Bangalore

Shiva Kameshwari M. N., Department of Botany, Janana Bharati Campus, Bangalore University Bangalore 560056

Department of Botany

Assistant Professor

Bangalore University Bangalore-560056


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How to Cite

Misra, B., and S. K. M. N. “EXTRACTION AND SUGAR COMPOSITION OF MUCILAGE IN URGINEA INDICA/DRIMIA INDICA (ROXB) KUNTH HYACINTHACEAE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 335-8, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/9434.



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