
  • Santhosh Kumar G Bigtec Labs
  • Manjula J Bigtec Labs
  • Rajasekaran C VIT University
  • Manoj MN Bigtech Labs
  • Subbarao PV Bigtech Labs
  • Chandrasekhar B Nair Bigtec Labs


Ever since the first HIV case reported, there is a dramatic increase in the prevalence of HIV infection which urged the need for an effective diagnostic method.  There are several improvements in diagnostic methods employing various technologies to screen for HIV infection using enzyme immunoassays and rapid diagnostic tests which simultaneously detect antigen and antibody with significantly reduced window period.  Further, western blot or immunofluorescence methods are used to confirm the results. Nucleic acid amplification tests, though sensitive, are expensive and hence not employed for screening but instead used to monitor the antiretroviral drug response. In spite of appreciable advancements in the sensitivity and specificity of the detection techniques, the algorithms are still the method of choice for ensuring the accuracy of test results.


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Author Biographies

Santhosh Kumar G, Bigtec Labs


Bigtec Labs, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Manjula J, Bigtec Labs


Bigtec Labs, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Rajasekaran C, VIT University

Associate Professor

Division Chair & Programme Chair

Plant Biotechnology Division

School of Bio Sciences and Technology

VIT University

Vellore - 632014

Tamilnadu India

Manoj MN, Bigtech Labs


Bigtec Labs, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Subbarao PV, Bigtech Labs

President Research

Bigtec Labs, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Chandrasekhar B Nair, Bigtec Labs

Director & CEO

Bigtec Labs, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore


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How to Cite

G, S. K., M. J, R. C, M. MN, S. PV, and C. B. Nair. “TRENDS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 8, Sept. 2013, pp. 1-4,


