
  • Neetu Jain University of Rajasthan Jaipur
  • Meenakshi Sharma


Objective: Lawsonia inermis belonging to family Lythreace commonly known as henna has been used in traditional herbal medicine from age. This
study deals with the extraction of henna essential oil, separation of essential oil fractions and antidermatophytic behavior of oil and their fractions.
Methods: In present investigation, essential oil obtained from the leaves of Lawsonia through hydrodistillation method was screened for their
antidermatophytic activity against selected dermatophytes through disc diffusion technique and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) by semisolid
agar susceptibility testing methods. Lawsonia oil was further subjected in buchii glass oven equipment for the separation of the different fraction at
different temperature interval. These fractions were labeled as LA
, LA
, LA
, LA
, and LA
Results: MIC of Lawsonia essential oil was ranging from 0.025 to 1.5 µl/ml against selected dermatophytes and other related fungi. MIC of these
fractions were also studied which were ranging from 0.3 to <4 µl/ml. Trichophyton rubrum was found to be most susceptible fungus and Candida
albicans was most resistant strain. Among all fractions studied LA
was found to be the most effective fraction. Fraction LA
was discarded because of
very less amount which could not be applied for MIC.
Conclusion: The L. inermis demonstrating broad spectra of activity may help to discover new antibiotics that could serve as selective agents for the
maintenance of animal or human health and provide biochemical tools for the study of infectious diseases. This versatile medicinal plant is the unique
source of various types of chemical compounds, which are responsible of the various activities of the plant.
Keywords: Essential oil, Dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, Minimal inhibitory concentration.


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How to Cite

Jain, N., and M. Sharma. “SCREENING OF LAWSONIA INERMIS ESSENTIAL OIL AGAINST FUNGI CAUSING DERMATOPHYTIC INFECTION IN HUMAN”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 67-69,



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