
  • Pushpendra Kumar Jain Department of Pharmacy, Naraina Group of Institutions, Panki-Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh
  • Debajyoti Das Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha


 In the last few decades, a curious thing has happened to Herbal medicines. Instead of being killed off by medical science and pharmaceutical chemistry, it has made come back. Herbal medicine has benefited from the objective analysis of the medical science, while fanciful and emotional claims for herbal cures have been thrown out, herbal treatments and plant medicine that works have been acknowledge. And herbal medicine has been found to have impressive credentials. Developed empirically by trial and error, many herbal treatments were nevertheless remarkably effective. In a recent survey estimated that 39% of all 520 new approved drugs in 1983-1994 were natural products or derived from natural products and 60-80% of antibacterial and anticancer drugs were derived from natural products. Medicinal plants play an important role in the development of potent therapeutic agents. Plant derived drugs came into use in the modern medicine through the uses of plant material as indigenous cure in folklore or traditional systems of medicine. Bacopa Monnieri, Cyperus Rotundus & Emblica Offcinalis (Brahmi, Nagarmotha, Amla) have several chemical compounds have been isolated from these herbs which are useful in treating number of diseases like : Diarrhea, Vomiting, Indigestion, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral, Hair Growth, Hair Wash, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Convulsant, Analgesic, Anti-Allergic, Antifungal, Cardiac Depressant And Cardio-Tonic etc. These reported therapeutic activities are due to the presence of Phyto-chemicals present in these Herbs. Even Ayurveda has recognizes the nutritional elements derived from foods, and rasayanas which help to optimize the availability of essential nutrients†in the body.

KEYWORDS: Bacopa Monnieri, Cyperus Rotundus, Emblica Officinalis, Medicinal plants, Antibacterial, Cardio-Tonic, Hair growth, Herbal plants, Ayurveda, Brahmi, Nagarmotha, Amla, Essential Nutrients, Herbal Cosmetics, Physico-chemical, Chemical Constituents, Inorganic Components, Phyto-Constituent, Pharmacological and Traditional Properties.

Author Biographies

Pushpendra Kumar Jain, Department of Pharmacy, Naraina Group of Institutions, Panki-Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh

Dean & HOD

Department of Pharmacy, Naraina Group of Institutions, Panki-Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh,India

Debajyoti Das, Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha




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How to Cite

Jain, P. K., & Das, D. (2016). PHARMACOGNOSTIC COMPARISON OF BACOPA MONNIERI, CYPERUS ROTUNDUS & EMBLICA OFFICINALIS. Innovare Journal of Ayurvedic Sciences, 4(4), 16–26. Retrieved from



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