
  • AZAD SINGH Department of Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Institute for Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.


Vyadhikshamatva, Autoimmune, Ama, Ayurveda


Background: In associate in nursing disease, there’s a wrong reaction of our unconscious process against the body’s own tissue.

Aim and Objetives: To check the conception of Vyadhi Kshamatva in response disorders. Our system features a terribly refined system to stay U.S. sickness free. Response diseases occur once the body is functioning onerous to defend against probably risky substances our bodies, like allergens, toxins, infections or food, however doesn’t see the distinction between the invaders and our own body cells. Piece of writing describes this during a slightly completely different manner. Piece of writing suggests that the system attacks the body’s own cells don’t accidentally, however it will to defend against a sort of harmful metabolites body, ama’. Holistic approach of piece of writing resembles to the whole perform of Vyadhikshamatva. This may steer far away from the origin and or progression of assorted diseases.

Discussion and Conclusion: Vyadhikshamatva may be a broad conception comprising the entire trendy understanding of medicine and different gross and delicate factors taking note to the interference and progression of diseases in physique. the smallest amount understood arm of medicine is that the origin and mechanism relating to development of response disorders.

Author Biography

AZAD SINGH, Department of Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Institute for Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

master student


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How to Cite

SINGH, A. (2020). REVIEW ON CONCEPT OF VYADHI KSHAMATVA IN AUTOIMMUNEDISORDERS. Innovare Journal of Ayurvedic Sciences, 8(4), 1–2. Retrieved from



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