Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking in 21st Century Classroom


  • Ezinne Chidinma Abe University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Uniport, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • Saturday Tete Birabil University of Port Harcourt, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology, Uniport, Rivers State, Nigeria



creativity, critical thinking, 21st century classroom


This paper sought to examine the prospect of fostering creativity and critical thinking in 21st century classroom. In achieving this, 4 concepts and 1 theory were reviewed to seek how relevant creativity and critical thinking is to students in our modern 21stcentury world that we live in. This paper showed that creativity and critical thinking are essential ingredients that defines much credibility in individuals in the society. It was then concluded that creative and critical thinking are pivotal to students’ success in the 21st century society and otherwise. It was recommended that teachers should endeavor to engage students to initiate their creative and critical thinking ability at almost all endeavours of instructional activity, also that curriculum planners should endeavor to device an instructional pattern that favours the utilization of creative and critical thinking prospects.



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How to Cite

Abe, E. C., & Birabil, S. T. (2022). Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking in 21st Century Classroom. Innovare Journal of Education, 10(3), 8–12.



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