During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online or Offline Learning in Application of the Drill Method for Volleyball Services?
serve on volleyball, drills, online, offlineAbstract
The COVID-19 has infected and forced all world leaders, including Indonesian leader, to make very strong defense to resolve the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, a social distancing rule or restriction has emerged in social interaction and one of its impacts on education that given online and offline learning. In a study on student class 2 IPS 4 senior High School Country 1 Imogiri related direct lesson education physical, especially in the service material for volleyball, is still below the minimum completeness criteria. This is reinforced by the data from the pretest results showing that there are still 40% of students who passed in the top serve. This study uses classroom action research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles to improve students’ abilities in material that does not find the minimum completeness criteria. The method used, namely exercise with online and offline learning models with an assessment focus on student psychomotoric. In group 1, learning completeness achieved reached 45%. However, these results still have not reached the expectation of completeness of 70% of the whole student in one class study. On group 2 level completeness learning, students reach 75% of students able to perform the top serve technique well. In conclusion, using the drill method with the model online learning, online and offline of group 1 until group 2 improvement by cumulative including tall.
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