
  • N. SASIKUMAR Centre for research, Tamil University


This study is an attempt to discuss the impact of active learning strategies to enhance student performance. Education is an integral part of every human being. It moulds him to be a good citizen, who is really an asset of the country. The wealth of a nation depends on the education of its citizensâ€. Teachers have a noble role in imparting knowledge to the innumerable members in a society. Ever wonder why students pay their tuition and fees, purchase expensive textbooks, rearrange their work schedules and personal lives to enroll in classes, attend classes for short or long periods of time and then suddenly drop the class or simply stop attending? This perplexing question probably has festered in the minds of many college professors those of us who are committed to imparting wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to help shape the minds of our students. Certainly a multitude of reasons could account for the sudden disappearance of our students, who seemingly are plucked away one at a time.  The school teachers, to capture the minds, evoke the interest, and enhance the motivation of those students; obviously there are many answers to this timeless question.  One answer, however, lies in the content of this paper employing active learning strategies in the classroom.


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Author Biography

N. SASIKUMAR, Centre for research, Tamil University

N.Sasikumar** is a research scholar in Center for Research in Education, Thava Thiru Kundrakudi Adigalar College Campus,Kundrakudi, Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu, South India. His research area is Cognitive Neuroscience. He is a vibrant involver in real time research projects. He act as a project director in ICSSR research project as sanctioned amount offour lacks. He was published six research papers in reputed International journals and one book for international publishers with ISBN. He attended several workshops and seminars. He presented four research papers in International conferences and eight research papers in National level conferences. His interested areas are Neurocognition and Teaching Education.



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How to Cite

SASIKUMAR, N. (2014). IMPACT OF ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO ENHANCE STUDENT PERFORMANCE. Innovare Journal of Education, 2(1), 1–3. Retrieved from


