
  • Sanjeev R Acharya Nirma University
  • Reddy Rv Padmanabha Nirma University


Human serum albumin (HSA), Particle size, yield, pH and optimization


Objective: the present investigation involves formulation, optimization and in vitro characterization of size controlled HSA nanoparticles with reproducible process yield.

Methods: Human serum Albumin (HSA) is material of choice for development of depot particulate formulations due to its biodegradable nature and is also considered as the ‘green' eco-friendly material due its biocompatibility and non-toxic properties. HSA nanoparticles, prepared using desolvation technique, have proved to be promising carrier systems for drug delivery to treat brain disorders. The aim of current Owing to the batch-to-batch variability of HSA based carrier systems, the nanoparticles was optimized using response surface methodology supported by statistical tools for designing a robust formulation. Prior to optimization technique, preliminary screening studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of different formulation variables on particle size and percentage process yield of nanoparticles. The critical process variables were further screened using on 32 factorial design for simultaneous optimization of the process parameters by evaluating their impact on quality attributes of nanoparticles.

Results: The nanoparticles were designed and optimized to achieve a mean particle diameter of 144.55±2.2 nm with process yield of 86.13±1.9 % (n=3), respectively. The relationship between the factors and their coefficients was determined mathematically with their respective p-values by employing regression analysis and the factors obtaining p-values<0.05 were considered as significant.

Conclusion: The present studies suggest that the physicochemical properties of HSA can be better exploited as a drug carrier for numerous therapeutic and medical applications.



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Author Biography

Sanjeev R Acharya, Nirma University

Associate professor, Department of Phytochemistry.


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How to Cite

Acharya, S. R., and R. R. Padmanabha. “FABRICATION OF A NANOCARRIER SYSTEM CONTAINING PLASMA PROTEIN BY OPTIMIZATION USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2015, pp. 113-20, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/4486.



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