
  • R. Margret Evangeline PRIST University
  • N. Murugan L&T Microbiology Research Centre, Sankara Nethralay
  • P. Praveen Kumar Loyola College
  • I. V. S. Nimal Christhudas Biozone Research Technologies Pvt Ltd, Teynampet


Nil, T stans, MeTs, Antioxidant etc


Objective: Tecomo. stans (T. stans)  (L) are plants extensively used for the empirical treatment of diabetes mellitus. But the bark part of T. stans (L) has not been extensively studied for the anti-diabetic and antioxidant property. Hence the current study were designed to estimate the in vitro activity of α-glucosidase inhibition and antioxidant property from bark extracts of T stans using various solvents such as hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol.

Methods: In the current study crude extract of T stans L. bark part has been evaluated for In vitro α-glucosidase inhibition and antioxidant activity from hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extract using standard methods.

Results: Out of three solvents studied, methanol extract of T. stans L. (MeTs) showed 50% α-glucosidase inhibition at the concentration of 645.20±2.79 μg/ml. The total phenolic content of MeTs was 206.81±1.11 mg of catechol equivalents/g extract. MeTs showed great scavenging activity on 2, 2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (IC50 765.25±0.42 µg/ml), hydroxyl (IC50 245.12±1.41 μg/ml), nitric oxide (IC50 800.10±1.05µg/ml) and superoxide (IC50 595.15±0.59 µg/ml) radicals, as well as high reducing power. MeTs also showed a strong suppressive effect on lipid peroxidation (IC50 810.15±2.19 µg/ml).

Conclusion: The results obtained in this study clearly indicate that MeTs has a significant potential to use as a natural a-glucosidase inhibition, antioxidant agent.



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How to Cite

Evangeline, R. M., N. Murugan, P. P. Kumar, and I. V. S. N. Christhudas. “ ANTIOXIDANT AND FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING PROPERTIES OF TECOMA STANS L”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 44-49,



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