
  • Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan Department of Pharmacology, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155
  • Jessy Chrestella Department of Anatomical Pathology
  • Denny Satria University of Sumatera Utara


Plectranthus amboinicus, doxorubicin, T47D, cell cycle, apoptosis


Objective: To investigated the growth-inhibiting and apoptosis mediating effect of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng ethyl acetate extract (PAE) in combination therapy with doxorubicin against T47D cell lines, to analyzed the expression of cyclin D1 and COX-2 (cyclooxigenase-2) proteins.

Methods: The assays were performed in the study were cytotoxicity assay, cell cycle assay, apoptosis induction, and immunocytochemistry of T47D cells. The cytotoxicity effects were determined by using MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay. The effect on modulation of cell cycle and apoptosis was observed by flow cytometry assay in both single dose of PAE and its combination with doxorubicin. The expression of cyclin D1 and COX-2 proteins on T47D cell lines was identified by using immunocytochemistry.

Results: The result showed that the PAE 8 µg/ml had the synergistic effect with doxorubicin against T47D cells based on Combination Index analysis. The PAE induced apoptosis and cell accumulation at G1 phase. The combination of PAE 8 µg/ml with doxorubicin 1 µg/ml caused apoptosis induction same with its single treatment, but there was increasing in cell accumulation at G1 phase. Expression of cyclin D1 indicated that both single application and combination of PAE with doxorubicin could arrest the cell cycle of T47D cells. The expression of COX-2 showed that the combination could inhibit the metastasis of T47D breast cancer cells.

Conclusion: Based on the result that PAE could be a potential co-chemoterapeutic agent with doxorubicin on breast cancer cells.



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Author Biography

Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, Department of Pharmacology, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155

Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sumatera utara


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How to Cite

Hasibuan, P. A. Z., J. Chrestella, and D. Satria. “COMBINATION EFFECT OF ETHYLACETATE EXTRACTS OF PLECTRANTHUS AMBOINICUS (LOUR.) SPRENG. WITH DOXORUBICIN AGAINTS T47D BREAST CANCER CELLS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Oct. 2015, pp. 156-9,



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