
  • Soumya Mary Alex Clinical Pharmacist, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Swayambhu Banerjee MD Resident, Department of General Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Dipu T. S. Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Sabarish B. Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Ashok Pillai Professor Department of Neurosurgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Padma Uma Devi Head, Department of Pharmacology, Amrita School of Pharmacy, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India
  • Vidya P Menon Clinical Pharmacist, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India


Meropenem, Carbapenem, Serum valproate, Epilepsy, Drug interaction


Objective: To report a case of meropenem induced reduction in serum valproate level.

Methods: The clinical data of an epileptic patient who experienced a decrease in seizure control due to a drug interaction between valproate and meropenem is described.

Results: The patient was a 26 years old male who was a known case of refractory focal epilepsy and underwent surgery for the same. This patient was on five antiepileptic drugs including valproate. On treatment with meropenem for the management of post surgical site infection due to multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, the patient experienced seizures due to decline in valproate level. Increasing the dose of valproate could not control the seizures. However, changing the antibiotics to a non carbapenem controlled the seizures.

Conclusion: The present report highlights the potential drug interaction between valproate and meropenem. Physicians should thus avoid co-administration of both these agents. If concomitant administration is essential, close monitoring of valproate concentration and clinical monitoring for breakthrough seizures are necessitated.



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Author Biographies

Soumya Mary Alex, Clinical Pharmacist, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India

Clinical Pharmacist,Dept of Internal Medicine,Amrita Institute of medical sciences,kochi

Dipu T. S., Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India

Dept.of Internal medicicne

Sabarish B., Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India

Assistant professor,Dept.of Emergency medicine,AIMS,KOCHI

Ashok Pillai, Professor Department of Neurosurgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, AIMS Health Science Campus, Kochi-41, Kerala, India



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How to Cite

Alex, S. M., S. Banerjee, D. T. S., S. B., A. Pillai, P. U. Devi, and V. P. Menon. “MEROPENEM INDUCED REDUCTION IN SERUM VALPROATE LEVEL- A CASE REPORT”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 403-4,



Case Study(s)