
  • VINOTHA T saveetha university



Dental caries (tooth decay) is a chronic disease, affecting a large number of populations. The carious process affects the mineralized tissues of the
teeth, enamel, dentine and cementum. It is caused by the action of microorganisms on fermentable carbohydrates in the diet. The disease is often
described to be progressive and if not treated may expand in size and progress to the pulp leading to pulp inflammation thus pain and discomfort,
and the end result will be loss of vitality then loss of the tooth. To promote healthy teeth, many communities have implemented the fluoridated water,
a practice started during the 1940s. Other common practices include using fluoride-containing toothpaste for brushing, routine dental cleanings
by a qualified practitioner and getting cavities filled. Now, an array of more natural methods are available to promote dental health, prevent tooth
decay and provide relief from tooth pain and gum irritation associated with poor dental health. This review discusses about anti-cariogenic activity
of raisins. Although raisins are sweet and are considered sticky,†research imply that they do not adhere to the teeth long enough to promote dental
caries formation and may help clear other cariogenic sugars from the tooth surface.
Keywords: Tooth decay, Streptococcus mutans, Raisins.


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Author Biography

VINOTHA T, saveetha university



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How to Cite

T, V., and G. . RV. “NATURAL REMEDY FOR PREVENTING TOOTH DECAY-A REVIEW!”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 32-33,



Review Article(s)