
  • Talha Jawaid
  • Syed Aman Imam
  • Mehnaz Kamal Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University, Dasauli, Kursi Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226 026, India


Objective: The objective was to investigate the antidepressant activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Verbena officinalis Linn. (MEVO) in mice.
Methods: The present study evaluates the antidepressant activity of MEVO in mice using the tail suspension test (TST) and forced swimming test
(FST). Their influence on spontaneous locomotor activity (SLMA) was also studied in mice. The MEVO (100 mg/kg, p.o. and 200 mg/kg, p.o.) was
administered orally in TST, FST and SLMA for 7 successive days in separate groups of Swiss mice.
Results: The extract at 100 and 200 mg/kg, p.o. were able to decrease the immobility time of mice doseâ€dependently when subjected to both tail
suspension and forced swim tests and the effects are comparable to that of control group. These results demonstrated that MEVO had specifically
antidepressant effects.
Conclusion: The present study suggested that MEVO possessed potential antidepressant effects which could be of therapeutic interest for using in
the treatment of patients with depression.
Keywords: Verbena officinalis Linn., Antidepressant activity, Forced swim test, Tail suspension test, Spontaneous locomotor activity.


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Author Biography

Mehnaz Kamal, Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University, Dasauli, Kursi Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226 026, India

Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University, Dasauli, Kursi Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226 026, India



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How to Cite

Jawaid, T., S. Aman Imam, and M. Kamal. “ANTIDEPRESSANT ACTIVITY OF METHANOLIC EXTRACT OF VERBENA OFFICINALIS LINN. PLANT IN MICE”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 4, July 2015, pp. 308-10,



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