Sungkai, Peronema canescens, Traditional usage, Phytoconstituent, Pharmacological activities, In vitro, In vivoAbstract
This article review aims to evaluate the traditional usage, phytoconstituent, and pharmacological activities of Peronema canescens (PC) published between 1994 to 2021 and suggest directions for further in-depth research of PC as a medicinal resource. A literature review used relevant keywords to collect primary and secondary scientific papers from popular media databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, and Science Direct. The search keywords for papers included Peronema canescens, traditional usage, phytoconstituent, pharmacological activity, in vitro, in vivo, combined, or separated. Traditional usage of PC as medicine has been identified to treat various diseases such as toothache, malaria, fever, skin disorders, itching, bruising, and hypertension, as refreshing drinks, increasing stamina, and as food ingredients. Chemical constituents of PC were seven clerodane diterpenoid compounds, namely A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, and D1 peronemin. Five of them are furanyl groups. Secondary metabolites contained in PC extract were phenols, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, steroids, and saponins. In vitro, pharmacological activities of PC showed anti-plasmodium, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and antibacterial activities, had non-toxic effects, and did not cause teratogenic effects. In vivo studies of PC showed that PC could use as an immune booster, antiparasitic, anti-hyperuricemic, anti-plasmodium, antidiabetic, and antipyretic. Many phytoconstituent and pharmacological reports indicated that PC was an essential medicinal herb resource, and some of its traditional uses, including the treatment of fever, antiparasitic, anti-hypertension, malaria, and tonic drink, have been partially confirmed through modern pharmacological studies. Diterpenoids were the main active constituents. However, these crude extracts and isolated chemicals of PC required additional research to identify the effects, optimal dosage, mechanisms of action, long-term safety, and potential side effects. In addition, clinical research was necessary to support the therapeutic potential of PC.
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