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Innovare Journal of Education: Quality Publication of Innovare Academic Sciences

Innovare Journal of Education: Quality Publication of Innovare Academic Sciences
Innovare Academic Sciences Services

Journal of Education

Publication of articles in a good-quality journal is need of time to maximize the reach of research to the community. Many significant works are carried out in the field of education per day. The authors of the work aim to publish it in reputable journals. Innovare Academic Sciences is an International publisher providing a strong platform to publish work. Innovare Academic Sciences is a publishing group that was established in the Year 2012 and publishes articles in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Art, Education, Ayurvedic Sciences, Life Sciences, Food Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Education, etc. Services of the company are journal publication, book publication, special issues, conference proceedings, thematic issues, copy editing, patent writing, etc.

Innovare Academic Sciences Journals
Innovare Academic Sciences Journals

A renowned journal in the field of education is the Innovare Journal of Education. It had been started in the Year 2013 and published n number of articles focused on core education and applied education. Authors from more than 25 countries feel proud as associated with this journal and always support and advise to publish in the Innovare Journal of Education.

For more information please visit:- https://www.innovareacademics.in/

Innovare Journal of Education

Salient Features

  1. Starting Year: 2013
  2. Peer Reviewed
  3. Open Access
  4. Low Publication Fee
  5. Bi-monthly Publication
  6. Fast Peer Review
  7. Plagiarism Free Publication
  8. Strong Editorial Board
  9. Editorial Board Members from more than 15 Countries
  10. High Citation
  11. Transparent Ethics Policy
  12. Quick Communication
  13. Worldwide Authorship
  14. Copyright with Authors, not Publisher
  15. APA 7.0 Guidelines

Scope of Innovare Journal of Education

The scope of the journal is focused on Education:

  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy
  • Woman Education
  • Value Education
  • Environment Education
  • Population Education
  • Formal-Non Formal Education
  • Education Technology and Communication
  • Music & Fine Arts (Visual & Performing Arts)
  • Physical Education, Health & Yoga Education
  • Vocational Education (Career Guidance & Counselling etc.)
  • Early Childhood & Special Education
  • Humanities and other Inclusive forms of Education.
Innovare Journal of Education: Journal Innovare Academic Sciences
Innovare Journal of Education: Journal Innovare Academic Sciences. Source: https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijoe/issue/archive

Type of Publications

  • Original research article
  • Short communication
  • Comprehensive reviews
  • Critical reviews
  • Narrative reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Essays
  • Case studies
  • Case series etc.

Languages of Publications

Languages of publications are only

  1. English
  2. Hindi

Abstracting and Indexing of IJOE: Innovare Academic Sciences Journal

  • Google Scholar
  • Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
  • Open-J-Gate
  • CNKI (China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database)
  • OCLC (World Digital Collection Gateway)
  • Cross Reference
  • Cite Factor
  • OAI (Open Archives Initiative)
  • ResearchBib
  • Scilit
  • Scope Database
  • UIUC

Our published work is also available on Academia.edu. The presence of these published works in Academia assists to enhance the visibility, indexing and citation.

Our Journals: Innovare Academic Sciences

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