
  • Nisa Najwa Rokhmah Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia
  • Retnosari Andrajati Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia
  • Maksum Radji Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia



Antibiotic prophylaxis, Surgery, Surgical site infection



 Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the prophylactic antibiotic administration in the surgical clinic of Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital, Bogor, Indonesia.

Methods: The data were assessed from the medical records of all patients who underwent surgery from January to December 2013 retrospectively. Antibiotic prophylaxis was assessed based on the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines and the National Guidelines of Antibiotic Usage, which includes the type, time, and duration of prophylactic administration of antibiotics.

Results: A total of 577 patients were included in this study, consisting of 202 men and 375 women. The most frequently performed surgery is a common surgery 347 (60.1%), followed by obstetric operations 176 (30.5%), and orthopedic surgery 54 (9.4%). In this study, all patients received prophylactic antibiotics before surgery. Cefotaxime (87.8%) was the most commonly used antibiotics for surgical prophylaxis. Of the 577 patients, only 1.1% of patients reported with surgical site infection (SSI).

Conclusion: This study shows that adherence to the guidelines of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis is still very low. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase the compliance of using antibiotic prophylaxis in accordance with standard guidelines to improve the rational use of antibiotics.


Author Biographies

Nisa Najwa Rokhmah, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia

Department  of Pharmacy

Retnosari Andrajati, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia

Department of Pharmacy

Maksum Radji, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424, Indonesia

Department of Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Rokhmah, N. N., R. Andrajati, and M. Radji. “CROSS–SECTIONAL STUDY OF SURGICAL PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTIC ADMINISTRATION IN MARZOEKI MAHDI HOSPITAL, BOGOR, INDONESIA”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 10, no. 11, Nov. 2017, pp. 87-89, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10i11.20286.



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