
  • Amina Cherifa Brahim Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, Algeria.
  • Samia Addou Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, Algeria.
  • Amel Merzouk Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, Algeria.
  • Omar KHÉROUA Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, Algeria.
  • Djamel Saidi Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, Algeria.


Mice, Intestinal epithelium, Vegetable proteins, Hydrolysates of rice


Objective: In the last few years a new preparation with hydrolyzed rice proteins was introduced and marketed as auseful alternative in the cases of cow's milk allergy.
The objective of our work is to study the consequences of hydrolyzed rice formula on the structure ofthe intestinal epithelium.
Methods: For the histological study, we have used 4 weeks old 60 female mice Balb/c, weighting (19.50 ± 0.25) gand distributed as follow:
Group 1A: 10 mice receiving hydrolyzed rice formulafor a period of 28 days after being immunized withnative ß-Lg.
Group 1B: 10 mice continue receiving a standard feed for a period of 28 days after being immunized with native ß-Lg (Positive control).
Group 2C: 10 mice receiving hydrolyzed rice formulafor a period of 28 days after being immunized withα-La protein.
Group 2D: 10 mice continue receiving a standard feed for a period of 28 days after being immunized with α-La protein (Positive control).Group 3: 20 mice receiving just a standard feed with no treatment (Negative control).
Results: The weight growth of all the experimental groups increases gradually with time, but the consumption ofthe hydrolyzed rice proteinscauses a decrease of the degree of evolution of thephysical weight to mice fed with this infantile formula compared with control groups. It alsocauses an increase of the intestinal villi height at the structure level of the intestinal mucous membrane of mice fed with hydrolyzed rice proteinscompared to the positive control groups. The lymphocytic infiltration of mice fed with hydrolyzed riceproteins is similar to the one in negative
control group.
Conclusion: The preliminary results show that the hydrolyzed rice formula is a possible alternative to the cow’s milk formula in case of allergy. Further studies are needed to prove its nutritionalefficacy.


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How to Cite

Brahim, A. C., S. Addou, A. Merzouk, O. KHÉROUA, and D. Saidi. “EFFECT OF HYDROLYZED RICE FORMULA ON INTESTINAL STRUCTURE OF BALB/C MICE IMMUNIZED WITH COW’S MILK PROTEINS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 2014, pp. 338-43, https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/1393.



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