
  • Hanane Gourine Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran
  • Wafaa Dib Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran
  • Hadria Grar Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran
  • Benmhel Benakriche Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran
  • Djamel Saidi Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran
  • Omar Kheroua Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran


Protein malnutrition, Symbiotic, Bacterial translocation, Gut mucosa atrophy, Wistar rats


Objective: Investigate the effect of symbiotic on the recovery of bowel atrophy and bacterial translocation (BT) induced by protein malnutrition (PM) in rats.

Methods: Rats were fed protein-deficient diet (maize) or the standard diet (standard rat chow) for 15 days. On day 10, rats fed with the protein-deficient diet were subdivided into three groups for reconstitution with protein-rich diet and Symbiotic. Milk-MTZ group, received milk+Metronidazole for 5 days and Symbiotic group, fed with some diet and probiotics-oligofructosaccharide for 5 days. Body weight was monitored daily, and all animals were sacrificed on day 15, and intestinal microflora and bacterial translocation (BT) to mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were evaluated. Histological studies were carried out to evaluate villi length and intra epithelial lymphocyte (IEL) infiltration.

Results: Our results show the symbiotic group (n=6) having the greater gain in body weight (12% increase) than milk-MTZ-fed group (n=6, 0.61 % increase). Overgrowth of Enterobacteria in protein-deficient diet rats was higher than in controls (p<0.0001); whereas, significantly decreasing in symbiotic fed group (p<0.0001). There was no significant difference in bacterial translocation between rats fed protein-deficient diet and those fed symbiotic rich diet. However, gut mucosa recovery was greater in symbiotic group (49.24 %).

Conclusion: Our data suggests that symbiotic-rich diet induces an important gain in weight and leads to better recovery of gut mucosa, but without altering bacterial translocation rate induced by the protein-deficient diet.



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Author Biographies

Hanane Gourine, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran

Wafaa Dib, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran

Hadria Grar, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran

Benmhel Benakriche, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran

Djamel Saidi, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran

Omar Kheroua, Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Food Safety, University of Oran

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, University of Oran


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How to Cite

Gourine, H., W. Dib, H. Grar, B. Benakriche, D. Saidi, and O. Kheroua. “SYMBIOTIC ENHANCES GUT MUCOSA RECOVERY RATE AND REDUCES OVERGROWTH OF BACTERIA IN EXPERIMENTAL PROTEIN MALNUTRITION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 96-100,



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